Jennifer Keintz, Dem. Nominee for Lieutenant Governor, Prefers “Elite Institutions” to SD Universities

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PIERRE,SOUTH DAKOTA – In 2019, in a letter to the editor to the New York Times, Jennifer Keintz said that she will “strongly suggest elite institutions” when it comes time for her daughter to attend college, not South Dakota universities. Jennifer Keintz is the Democrat nominee for South Dakota Lieutenant Governor.


In the letter, Keintz said that SDSU is not a “prestigious university” and that it didn’t “open doors” for her. You can find the letter here.


“Does Jamie Smith condone his running mate’s elitist rhetoric?” said Governor Kristi Noem. “I went to Northern State and graduated from SDSU. I love these schools. If Jamie is a ‘moderate,’ why did he pick such a liberal running mate?”


Jennifer Keintz has made other radical claims during this election cycle, including advocating for biological males to compete in girls’ sports. Jennifer Keintz was rated the most liberal South Dakota legislator.
